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Got a camera? Not satisfied with your photos? If you have the desire to learn photography and the techniques that top pros use to consistantly create great photos, then this 3 DVD set is for you. Are you tired of being at the mercy of your “Auto” setting? With the photographic information contained on these DVD’s you will be able to finally master going “M” for Manual. Here is how my DVD’s will help transform your photography: 1) Learn the foundation of award winning composition. 2) My step by step approach helps you answer the question “Where do I put the subject in the frame?” 3) Learn the relationship between f/stop, shutter speed and ISO in precise terms. 4) Find out how lens selection plays a major role on how your pictures look and feel. 5) Get a firm understanding of lighting techniques that provide detail throughout the photo. 6) Find out how to get the perfect exposure for what you want to see. 7) I’ll take you through actual photo sessions providing clear instruction on applying my techniques. 8) Learn how to use lighting to create mood. 9) Learn how to photograph children, adults, pets and landscapes that will set you apart from other photographers. For 2011, we have added over 1 hour of bonus material which includes numerous new examples of Manny demonstrating his techniques in lighting and composition. Make your photos the ones people talk about. You will be able to accomplish this with the least amount of equipment. It doesn’t matter if you take photos for fun or profit. If you want the satisfaction of creating images that people will remember, you are only 3 DVDs from realizing your dream. After viewing this DVD, go out and practice newly learned lighting and composition techniques and see how quickly your photography will improve. For a great photography education in one package, Jump Start Your Photography covers the most important aspects of photographic technique on just 3 DVD’s.
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